PROlift - Safety and Quality. Life is more important than the price!
Romanian  ∷  България

Custom Lifting Installations

Custom Lifting Installations

Depending on the request and the specifics of the application, we completely achieve (from design to finished product) various lifting installations - jib cranes, portal cranes, lifting beams, lifting rows - having different sizes and workloads.

All installations are supplied together with the documentation required for the authorisation of national regulatory agencies, based on a technical project of execution.

from customer request of custom lifting installation custom lifting installation - finished product

Modular Beam

modular beam parts joined together model of a modular beam

Lifting Beam - 150 Ton

150 ton lifting beam

Lifting Beam - 30 Ton

30 ton lifting beam

Various Applications - Lifting Beams

various lifting beams
grindă cheu port grindă cheu port

Gantry Workshop Crane

PROlift gantry crane details of gantry crane

Lifting Row with Festoon cable system and Hand Chain Hoist with Geared Trolley

Lifting Row with Festoon and  Hand Chain Hoist
pod rulant - motor pod și palan manual cu troliu cu lanț pod rulant - sistem culisare cablu și motor pod rulant

Special Crane / Textile Lifting Net

special crane for an agricultural machinery polyester lifting net
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