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PRO-CT.03 Bow (Anchor or Omega) Shackle with Nut and Bolt

Bow - Anchor or Omega - Shackle with Nut and Bolt
how to use a Bow Shackle with Nut and Bolt

The bow shackles (also known as omega or anchor shackles) ensure that the various lifting and / or load-fixing elements and accessories are attached and combined.
Bow shackles can be used together with slings and wire rope lifting systems, lifting chains, textile straps as well as various hooks, connecting links, links, bolts, etc.
For this bow shackle, fixing is done with the help of a bolt and a safety nut.

Manufacturing standard for shackles is EN 13889 (up to 25 ton).

All PROlift lifting accessories are batch numbered and proper marked batch, manufacturer, size, CE mark).

This bow shackle with nut and bolt is manufactured with safety factor 6 - Minimum breaking load (MBL) is six times higher than Work load limit (WLL).

It is strictly forbidden to exceed WLL value!